13 Characteristics of Successful Freelance Writers

We all want to know what successful freelance writers do that keeps them in the game for the long haul. If you’ve ever wondered what the characteristics of successful freelance writers and successful freelancers were, check out some of the traits in this lift.

You might have some of these freelance money mindsets, possess most of these traits, or none of these characteristics.

That’s okay. The most important thing to do is take inventory of where you’re starting, where you want to be, and make small strides to get there every day.

The 13 Traits Succesful Freelance Writers Always Have

Work on these professional freelance skills, personal skills, and implement systems to help you achieve your goal.

  1. They’re skilled communicators: Beyond merely stringing words together, successful freelance writers master the art of communication. They can distill complex ideas into digestible content, captivating readers with their clarity and eloquence.

  2. They’re resilient: The path to freelance success is fraught with challenges, but resilient writers persevere in the face of adversity. They view setbacks as opportunities for growth, bouncing back stronger and more determined than ever before.

  3. They’re collaborative: While freelancing may seem like a solitary pursuit, successful writers understand the power of collaboration. They foster strong relationships with clients, editors, and fellow freelancers, recognizing that collaboration fuels creativity and innovation.

  4. They’re self-disciplined: With freedom comes responsibility, and successful freelance writers excel in managing their time and workload. They set boundaries, establish routines, and prioritize tasks effectively, ensuring maximum productivity and efficiency.

  5. They’re lifelong learners: Successful freelance writers are perpetual students of their craft. They eagerly seek out opportunities for growth and development, whether it’s through online courses, workshops, or simply devouring books and articles on writing.

  6. They’re innovative: In a crowded marketplace, innovation is key to standing out from the crowd. Successful writers embrace innovation, constantly seeking out fresh ideas and creative approaches to their work.

  7. They’re resourceful: When faced with the biggest freelance challenges, successful freelance writers don’t throw in the towel—they get resourceful. Whether it’s overcoming writer’s block or navigating a tricky client situation, resourceful writers find inventive solutions to every problem.

  8. They’re strategic: Behind every successful freelance writer lies a well-thought-out strategy. Whether it’s setting SMART (Specific. Measurable. Achieveable. Relevant. Time-bound) goals or devising a comprehensive freelance marketing plan, strategic thinkers approach their freelance career with purpose and intention. Learn how to become a freelance medical writer.

  9. They’re adaptable: In the ever-evolving landscape of freelance writing, adaptability reigns supreme. Successful writers embrace change, eagerly exploring new niches and adapting their skills to meet the demands of diverse clients and industries. The Best High-Paying Freelance Writing Niches of 2024.

  10. They’re proactive: Rather than waiting for opportunities to come knocking, successful freelance writers seize the initiative, actively seeking out new clients and projects. Their proactive approach sets them apart, propelling them towards greater professional success.

  11. They’re empathetic: Empathy lies at the heart of impactful writing, allowing writers to connect deeply with their audience. Successful freelancers possess a keen understanding of human emotions and experiences, infusing their work with empathy and authenticity.

  12. They’re confident: There will be days in every freelancer’s career where they doubt their freelance writing skills, their worth, and wonder if this industry is “worth it.” Successful freelance writers persevere through those days and remember that they have skills and gifts to offer the world. They’re confident in their abilities to get an assignment done and do it well, even when feelings of impostor syndrome creep in.

  13. They know their weaknesses: Long-lasting, lifelong freelancers who’ve made this their career know what their weaknesses are and how to work around them. Do they struggle with not being a faster writer? Procrastinating on assignments? Marketing themselves? 50 Affirmations for Writers. They work on the areas of their lives, personalities, and skills that could use some TLC and find ways to improve. That might be through therapy, meditation, reading books, taking freelance online courses, and taking an interest in self-development.

Do you have some of the traits of successful freelance writers?

It isn’t possible to adopt all of these success characteristics at once. But, if you try to incorporate them into your freelance business as building blocks, you’ll start building up these characteristics of freelance success and be on your way toward creating a thriving freelance career.

Ready to learn if you can earn $1,000 a month freelance writing? It can be done.