Can You Earn a Living Freelancing?

You’re thinking about starting a freelance career or, you’ve already kick-started one and wondered if it’s truly possible to earn a living freelancing and earn a living freelance writing. Some days freelancers can feel like they’re rolling in the money and need to turn down freelance assignments. Other days, you keep refreshing your inbox to see if clients need your freelance talents and stress about your bank account statements.

When I was in high school, I dreamed of becoming a freelance writer who worked from home and was able to support a family. My first byline was in 1978, and it wasn’t until 1996 that I made the leap from “full-time employee” to “full-time freelance writer.”  The journey has been an exciting one, and the Internet has made the process a lot easier.

Until the past two decades, freelance writers had to submit everything via snail mail. Can you imagine writing a query letter (magazine pitch), and making sure you included a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) if you wanted a reply? Then it would take several months before you would hear back from an editor.

These days, you can get rejected within a few hours thanks to the invention of email. But, you can also get an assignment within a few hours, too.  You can earn as much money as you want as a freelancer. Marketing is the key component.

That’s why it’s still possible to earn a living freelance writing.

4 Ways You Can Earn a Living Freelance Writing

Making a living as a freelancer is possible when you follow these steps.

1.  Write articles for publications and websites

One of the reasons you’re thinking about earning a living as a freelance writer is because you’re interested in writing for magazines, editorial websites, or brands.

Some places will pay “per word,” while others will pay “per project.” 

Many magazines and websites hire freelance writers to help with content. 

(Hint: look for publications and websites that are a good fit for your interests and skill set.)

2.  Write greeting cards. 

Yes, people are still buying them and this industry needs your writing talents.

Most card companies accept submissions from freelance writers. Visit their website and look for the submission guidelines. In the past, I have sold greeting cards for rates ranging from $75 to $150. Blue Mountain Arts pays $300. Research card companies online at the Greeting Card Association.

(Hint: look for greeting card companies that are not in the association…they won’t be getting as many submissions from freelance writers.)

This is just one of many fun answers to the question, “Can you earn a living freelancing?”

3.  Write for specialty newsletters. 

I got one of my first freelance newsletter writing assignments after answering an ad on a job board. article was only 250 words, and it paid $100. Find lots of newsletters at the Directory of Associations and Industry Newsletters. You could also offer freelance writing services to clients as a writer for their e-newsletters.

4. Write books. It’s a great way to earn a living freelancing.

Sure, that’s way easier said than done, John!

Here’s how to earn a living freelancer with book writing projects.

·         The “traditional way” is when you create a book proposal and either submit it directly to a publisher, or through a literary agent (there are still plenty of mainstream publishers that accept submissions directly from authors).

·         You can also “self-publish,” either on Amazon or with a “print on demand” (POD) company. When you self-publish on Amazon, for example, they handle all the printing and shipping, etc., and you receive a monthly royalty payment.

·         You can also find “work-for-hire” book project opportunities. Many publishers have ideas for books and need authors to create them. I have worked on these types of projects for rates ranging from $800 (for a children’s book for a school library publisher) to $15,000 (for a business book for a mainstream publisher).

·         Write chapters for publishers. Many publishers are looking for “experts” in different fields to write just one or two chapters for a book. (I wrote a few chapters in “Family Health for Dummies” and “Men’s Health for Dummies.”)

FAQs: Can You Earn a Living Freelancing?

How much do freelancers earn freelancing for a living?

Good question, and the answers are all over the place. For example, there are several surveys online that indicate the average hourly rate for a freelance writer is about $29. Other surveys have the figure higher, and few even have it much lower.

I have never been a fan of an hourly wage for a freelance assignment. Most of the freelance assignments I get these days pay on a per project or per word basis. Much better, in my opinion. (That being said, freelance rates are how they charge are up to each freelancer.)

In the past, I have written articles for rates ranging from 50 cents to $2.00 per word.  These days most of my article assignments pay between $350 and $750, depending upon a variety of factors (timeline, amount of research that is required, and if outside sources are needed as quotes).

Consider these stats from

·         50% (or more) of freelance writers earn less than $30k per year.

·         18% of freelance writers reported income levels of $31k – $50k 

·         5% reported making between $100k – $125,000

·         4% earned over $125,000

Can I make a career out of freelancing? 

Is it possible to seriously earn a living freelancing?

Most freelance writers are happy with getting assignments as a side gig and starting a freelance side hustle.

Depending on your schedule, you may only have time to squeeze in one article per week. Or, as a reminder, we all get the same 24 hours a day, seven. days a week. Learning how to manage your time wisely…and financially…should be a key factor in deciding if you want to make a career out of freelance writing.

Can freelancers make good money?

Freelancers can absolutely make good money doing this! I know hundreds of freelance writers who are making darn good money. In fact, most of them are making great money—over six figure freelancer salaries.

Brainstorm some ways to find those higher-paying projects. Present yourself as a professional and convince the editor that YOU are the right freelance writer for the next assignment.

Is freelancing still profitable?

Freelancing is still profitable for freelancers if you’re willing to embrace marketing, marketing, and marketing. (Did we get the point across?) A freelance marketing plan is the key to a successful…and profitable…freelance journey. The more you market yourself, the more bylines and checks will come your way.

Don’t be afraid to try something new and get outside your comfort zone when it comes to being able to earn a living freelancing. I never thought I would be writing greeting cards and school library books, but I am glad that I tried it.

How to Make a Living as a Freelance Writer

While the freelance landscape has shifted dramatically over the past few decades, one thing remains constant: the importance of marketing oneself effectively. Whether you’re earning a living freelancing by writing articles, crafting greeting cards, creating newsletters, penning books, or promoting yourself and your freelance business on social media, marketing is the key to attracting high-paying clients and catapulting your earning potential.

In order to stay relevant and successful for decades to come, be resilient, embrace new opportunities, and continuously refine your marketing skills. You can indeed earn a living freelancing and thrive in the roller coaster ride that is the freelance industry. So, don’t hesitate to explore new avenues, seize opportunities, and make your freelance dreams a reality.