Here’s How to Find Your Freelance Community

When I started my freelancing journey, it was a solo endeavor. I stumbled upon freelancing as an opportunity to boost my income. For me, freelancing represented a side hustle before it became a trendy buzzword.  As I dove deeper into the world of freelancing, however, I realized that it didn’t have to be a lonely and isolating experience. In fact, once I realized how to find your freelance community and joined a supportive freelance community, it was one of the best decisions I’ve made for my career.

Not only does being part of a freelance community provide social support and camaraderie, but it also offers valuable resources and opportunities for collaboration. Building relationships with fellow freelancers can lead to referrals, partnerships, and even friendships. Plus, being surrounded by like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges and joys of freelancing can help you stay motivated and inspired.

As I began to pursue clients and writing projects, I found myself struggling to have an outlet to share the highs and lows of the freelancing journey. (It’s one of the challenges of being a freelance writer.) My friends and family knew I was writing in my spare time. However, they did not consider that I was starting a new career. Unfortunately, my family could not offer me any tips or strategies to land clients as a freelancer.”

I was alone in my efforts to become a freelancer. I realized I needed a freelance community.

I began searching online for more freelance writers in my area or on social media. I found community and friendship on Twitter/X and in Facebook groups. It helped boost my confidence, gain industry knowledge, and build long- term friendships for success. 

Do you have a freelance community? If not, in this article, I’ll share a few insider tips and suggestions on how to find your freelance community as freelancer and make it a part of your success story.

How community and the freelance industry are changing for the better

Freelancing has been a reputable profession for many decades. For some people,it’s the perfect opportunity to meet new people, earn money for a hobby, or travel the world. Today many freelancers are of various ages, backgrounds, and economic groups from around the globe. While the art of freelancing has not shifted much over the last few years, more people are exploring the option of becoming a freelancer full time.


The gig economy is booming and growing faster. Places like fiverr and upwork make it easy to get started.

More people are searching for freedom and flexibility to do what they love for a living without being confined to one source of income. Freelancing is an attractive lifestyle with a multitude of benefits such as remote work, flexible scheduling, multiple clients, and unlimited earning potential. When I began my freelancing journey I was looking to supplement my income, learn a new skill, and have freedom/flexibility within my schedule. I gained all three within one profession.

When I started freelancing as a mom, I was looking to earn a few extra bucks at the end of the month. With more experience under my belt, I now earn up to $2,500 for one writing project. For many people earning a large lump sum in a short period of time is nearly impossible. I strongly believe whenever you choose the path of freelancing you empower yourself to unblock limited beliefs about money. Your earning potential is limitless once you adopt a new mindset. 

As a freelancer, I can prioritize time with my family and manage projects around my availability. Freelancing can represent freedom and opportunity for advancement not offered in a traditional work environment.

The importance of community for freelancers 

Freelancing can be a very competitive market. The more freelancers applying for the same role, the less opportunity for you to snag that opportunity and advance your career or business. The lack of support and community is one of the main reasons people give up on freelancing quickly. As a freelancer, I can tell you, it’s every man or woman for themselves out there at times

Today, many freelancers are redefining community as a freelancer. Particularly those who are seasoned freelancers and high-earning freelance writers. They’ve discovered that sharing knowledge is a way to boost visibility, foster a healthy mindset, and give a leg up to the freelancer community as a whole.

Being a part of a community as a freelancer has  benefits that you may not be aware of right off hand.  Firstly, having a support system can make all the difference in staying motivated and inspired as a freelancer. Connecting with other freelancers who understand the struggles and successes of the freelance life can provide a sense of camaraderie and understanding that may be lacking when working alone.

When you chat with fellow freelancers, you might find chances to team up on projects or send clients each other’s way. It’s not just about growing your network, but also discovering types of freelance jobs for your freelance journey or business. Plus, being part of a community gives you cool insights and resources. Chatting, workshops, and swapping stories help you pick up new skills and stay in the loop!

Here are a few benefits of being within a freelancer community:

1. Support and networking opportunities: 

Joining a freelancer community allows you to connect with others who understand the unique challenges and joys of freelancing. You can find mentors, collaborators, and even potential clients within these communities.

2. Knowledge sharing:

As mentioned earlier, some experienced freelancers see value in sharing their knowledge and expertise with others in the community. This not only helps other freelancers but also allows them to learn from each other and grow together.

3. Accountability and motivation:

Working as a freelancer can sometimes feel isolating and it’s easy to lose motivation or get distracted without anyone holding you accountable. Being a part of a community gives you that sense of accountability and can provide motivation when things get tough.

4. Opportunities for collaboration: 

Freelancing often involves working on projects alone, but being a part of a community can open up opportunities for collaboration. You may find other freelancers who have complementary skills and together you can take on bigger and more challenging projects.

5. Support system: 

Lastly, being a part of a freelancing community means having a support system that understands the unique challenges and joys of freelancing. You can turn to fellow members for advice, encouragement, or simply to vent about your struggles.

Challenges as You Try to Find Your Freelance Community

Knowing exactly where to go find a freelance community can be challenging for a beginner. There are many options available online, Slack groups, and local co-working spaces that charge a small fee for membership. As a freelancer, you may not be ready for such a commitment to join a community you’re not sure will be a good fit for your needs. While having options isare a good place to start, it’sstart it’sits important to know what you are seeking within a freelance community. As a freelancer, I like to make a pros and cons list to help me weigh my options to make an informed decision. It’s also helpful to ask a trusted friend or colleague for their recommendation for choosing a freelance community.

Isolation due to remote work   

Working remotely is not for everyone. For freelancers isolation can be a good thing when you’re working on a deadline or pitching a client. However, isolation can make your work day and workloadwork load feel more like a chore than something you enjoy doing for a living. 

It’s important to find a freelance community that offers opportunities for networking and socializing with other freelancers. This can help combat feelings of loneliness and allow you to connect with like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges of being a freelancer. It can also provide a support system for when you need advice or help with a project. Without the physical presence of coworkers or a structured office environment, it may be easy to become distracted and lose focus on tasks. Joining a freelance community can provide accountability and encouragement from others who are also working remotely. 

As a freelancer, I try to mix upmixup my work environment to help me supercharge my writing mojo. Whether it’sits the humdrum of a buzzing coffee shop, my local library, or a friend’sfriends couch for a few hours. I do my best to engage with the world around me to maintain a good balance of work and life.

Lack of workplace camaraderie  

If you’re comfortable working a traditional 9-5 with water cooler banter, freelancing may be a culture shock for you. As a freelancer, you’ll learn to rely more so on your online community for general conversation, memes, or trending topics to help you get through the workday. While being in an office environment will feel comfortable for you in the beginning. You don’t have to totally abandon the workplace camaraderie. Consider joining virtual coworking spaces or online groups with fellow freelancers to connect and chat during breaks.

It’s important to actively seek out opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals in your field or with other freelancers. This can help alleviate feelings of loneliness and provide support and camaraderie in what can sometimes be a solitary profession.

Difficulty networking in traditional ways

I typically enjoy small intimate settings to get to know new people. In large and traditional networking settings it can be a little difficult for me to find my rhythm and flow. In those networking environments, most people are  focused on making connections and promoting themselves or their business. This can be overwhelming for introverted individuals like myself who may prefer more meaningful and personal conversations.

As a freelancer, you want to be strategic and effective in your networking strategy. A good way to make new connections is volunteering at your son/daughter’sdaughters school. Joining a local organization that supports a cause. Or offering free marketing advice for small businesses who may need some extra support. 

Networking does not have to be a chore. It’s important to put yourself out there to meet new people and challenge yourself to grow. Building strong relationships with clients can lead to word-of-mouth referrals and potential collaborations with other professionals in your network.

Online Platforms and Forums to Find Your Freelance Community 

One of my favorite things to do on Saturday morning besides eat breakfast is to network on LinkedIn. (Here’s my article on how to find clients on LinkedIn.) This social media channel is by far one of the best platforms for freelancers to meet potential clients or make new connections within their industry. Social Saturday is a great way to boost your visibility and make new connections.  It’s also a great opportunity to share your work and receive feedback from other freelancers. Aside from LinkedIn, there are also more ways you can engage in discussions, ask for advice, and network with other freelancers.

With over 500 million users, LinkedIn offers a wide range of networking opportunities and resources. Aside from LinkedIn, there are also online forums and groups specifically designed for freelancers to connect with each other and share tips and advice. 

LinkedIn has a creator platform for freelancers to highlight their services to potential clients. By following hashtags like #freelancers, #freelancewriters, or #contentwriters you can find writers in your niche or writing groove.

Another important aspect of networking is attending events and workshops relevant to your field. This not only allows you to learn new skills and stay updated on industry trends, but it also provides opportunities to meet potential clients or collaborate with other professionals.

Overview of popular freelance community platforms

When it comes to choosing the best platform as a freelancer there are plenty of options to choose from today. 

Quite a few freelancers enjoy the Reddit forum for relevant questions, topics, community, and writing gigs.  Other popular options include Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. (BTW, how much can you make on fiverr per month?)

Upwork, is a global freelancing platform where businesses and independent professionals connect and collaborate remotely. It offers a variety of job categories and allows for direct communication between clients and freelancers. Discover Upwork Pros and Cons for Freelancers.

How to find and engage effectively in online communities  

As a new freelancer, make sure to stay curious about your work and connect with seasoned freelancers. Get involved by asking questions, giving feedback on articles, and think about joining online groups that match your interests.

When you check out paid groups, see if they fit your goals and give you useful connections and resources. Once you’re in a community, keep the convo going and share your expertise. Remember, it’s about real connections, not just pushing your services. This way, you’ll build trust and credibility in the community.

Should You Seek Out In-Person Opportunities to Find Your Freelance Community?

One of my best experiences as a freelancer occurred during a local meetup in my hometown. I attended an open call for freelancers from my area to pop out for a day of fun, sunshine, and of course networking. Besides having something fun to do for the day, it was an opportunity to meet a few familiar faces I’d only seen on my phone screen. I had the chance to put faces to names, exchange information and even get a few referrals.

These shared workspaces allow you to work alongside other professionals from different fields, giving you the opportunity to expand your network and collaborate on projects. Plus, it’s a great way to combat the isolation that often comes with working as a freelancer.

Local meetups are a great opportunity for you to learn more about your community, current events in your city, and getting your name out there for future work.

Benefits of co-working spaces for freelancer community

When thinking of co-working spaces, many imagine renting a desk for a few hours. These spaces offer privacy for meetings or work, fostering a community for learning about each other and skills.

How to find local meetups and industry events 

Dive into a quick online search for meetups or events in your city, and filter the results by specifying your industry. Don’t forget to explore social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter for exciting upcoming events or networking chances!

Making the most out of face-to-face networking opportunities

Meeting people face-to-face in a networking setting is always a game for me.Try to have fun by finding two or three things you enjoy talking about passionately or with confidence. When you choose three core things outside of your profession, people can begin to see the real you and build a genuine desire to connect with you more.

Creating Your Own Freelance Community   

In the words of Beyonce, “I am not a diva”. However, when it comes to freelancing I like to build my own tribe of freelancing girlfriends. My freelancing girlfriends understand the feast and famine cycle of freelancing more than my other girlfriends. Thus, within our group we offer pitching advice, share referrals, networking tips, or support each other in our endeavors. It’s been an invaluable resource for me in my journey. 

Here’s how you can copy what I did:

1. Starting a mastermind group or local meetup.

Or, it can be a low-lift standing Zoom meeting with freelancers every month.

To start your own mastermind group or meetup once a monthonce month, you need to find like-minded individuals who are also freelancers. This can be done through social media platforms, freelancing forums or local networking events. Reach out and invite them to join your group where you can share knowledge, support each other and hold each other accountable for reaching your goals.

If meeting in person is not possible due to geographical constraints or time limitations, consider starting a monthly online zoom meeting with fellow freelancers. This can be a low-lift standing commitment where you all gather for an hour every month to discuss challenges, successes and provide moral support to each other.

2. Utilize freelance communities and resources

One of my favorite underrated ways to find a community is through TikTok and YouTube. Both platforms offeroffers freelancers a way to connect with more freelancers from around the world. You can share stories, offer advice, and even learn more about your motivations to becoming a freelancer through the comments or DM.

In addition to creating your own community, there are many existing freelance communities that you can tap into for support and advice. Some popular ones include:

  • Freelancers Union: This organization offers resources, events and networking opportunities for freelancers of all industries.

  • Upwork Community: Upwork’s online community allows freelancers to connect with each other, share tips and advice, and even find potential work opportunities.

  • LinkedIn Groups: There are numerous LinkedIn groups specifically for freelancers to network and share knowledge with each other. Joining these groups can also help you expand your professional network.

3. Leverage social media to connect with a like-minded community of freelancers    

Facebook is one of my favorite platforms because I can share a personal story about my favorite cat Pearl or promote myself as a freelancer. By learning how to leverage social media as a freelancer, many people have referred me to their friends and colleagues, shared a post, or asked questions about my freelancing journey. 

The way to leverage social media to connect with like-minded freelancers is  by engaging with relevant hashtags, participating in online communities and groups, and being active on your own social media profiles. This not only helps you to expand your network but also allows you to showcase your skills and expertise to potential clients.

4. Collaborate on projects as a way to build relationships when you find your freelance community

Many freelancers seek trustworthy collaborators for writing projects. Opportunities often arise through open calls on platforms like Facebook, inviting contributions to newsletters or book editing. Embracing flexibility and openness to collaboration with freelancers can pave the way for future opportunities.

Get Tips on How to Maintain and Grow Your Freelance Community    

By implementing good communication habits online or in person within the community, your success as a freelancer will last for a lifetime.

Balancing competition and collaboration among peers  

The more you open up to others, the more opportunities will find you at the right time. Remain open minded about collaborations that can help you pivot to the next level.

Create value within your community through knowledge-sharing opportunties.

Sharing knowledge is about helping your online community learn more about your processes, gained experiences, and aspirations for the future. Try it in the form of LinkedIn posts and comment on other freelancers’ posts on LinkedIn, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and X.

How to Turn Your Freelance Community into a Strong, Loyal Tribe

When it comes to your freelancing journey, finding and building a community will be a pivotal part of your success. By connecting with like-minded individuals, you can gain valuable insights, support, and opportunities that will help you grow and thrive in your field. 

Keep in mind that community building is not just about networking and gaining clients, it’s also about sharing knowledge and experiences with one another.

As a freelancer, you are constantly learning and adapting in order to stay ahead in your industry. By sharing this knowledge within your community, you not only add value to others but also strengthen your own skills and expertise. This can lead to collaborations, referrals, and potential partnerships that can further enhance your freelancing career.