How Do I Find My First Writing Job?

Ready to kick-start your search and land your first freelance job? Be open to opportunities. Finding gigs and even long-term assignments is easier now than it was in the early nineties when I literally stumbled into mine. My first printed article, which led to my first columnist gig came about because I worked for the company and expressed an interest in one of their magazines. When I turned the piece in, the editor read it right in front of me—which is how I discovered I had stapled the first page of the manuscript upside down. The lesson here is that you don’t have to be perfect to start freelancing, especially when you explore “how do I find my first writing job?” The actual writing is all that matters.

However, these days, you have to make yourself known to a wider range of people so you can connect with the opportunities that are out there. Doing that takes a lot of reading and networking. Sometimes you have to go outside your comfort zone and write something you might not know a lot about. It’s almost always worth it.

How to get freelance clients as a beginner

Looking for work is literally part of freelancing. Every day, read freelance newsletters, LinkedIn alerts, and any freelancing websites looking for freelance writing opportunities. There are a lot of places to look when you’re looking for work as a beginner freelance writer! This will give you some leads to follow for pitches or applications. I always make it a goal to send in one pitch or application every day. 

Make a list of ideas you have for articles and create a template for a pitch letter. This will include a couple of sentences for the pitch idea, a small paragraph about who you are and why you’re the person to write this article right now, and a small paragraph that lets the editor know why you think this article would appeal to their readers. The letter should be short, have a succinct point, and professional (yet friendly). 

When you see a call for pitches about a topic that matches something on your list, fill in that pitch letter template with the specific details and send it out. Your goal is to get a good idea across quickly to somebody who may be reading fifty of these letters a day. If they think you can make their life easier, you’re likely to get the job!

How do I start freelance writing with no experience?

There are different answers to this question, depending on where you are in life. If you’re looking for entry-level freelance writing jobs, but you have other experience, then the easiest way to kick-start a freelance writing career is to write in the space where your expertise lies. Trade magazines are a great place to start doing this. This is probably the biggest advantage of having your first freelance job be the start of a second career.  Here are the 5 Ways to Start Freelancing with No Experience.

If you’re not established in a specific industry, the first thing to do is make a list of your hobbies and things that interest you. Make sure to read widely about any topic you want to write about and be as knowledgeable as you can, then search for article requests. These may even be in publications you’ve been reading, which is important when looking for freelance writing opportunities for beginners. Being familiar with a specific publication makes it easier to write in the style they prefer and to know what types of articles they’re interested in. If you think of something while you’re reading, go to their masthead (or website), find the editor for the section you want to write about, familiarize yourself with the writer’s guidelines, and pitch the idea! 

How to attract first freelance writing clients

Clients want to know what you’ve written before. Prior published pieces are called “clips.” Here are some suggestions on how to get your first freelance writing samples:

If you have written for any publications, make a PDF copy of the articles and keep them in a folder that people can access online. DropBox and Google Doc work well for this. 

If you haven’t published anything traditionally yet, you can still make a portfolio by writing samples and publishing them online. 

Medium gives you the ability to create your own portfolio without waiting for somebody else to publish you. It’s kind of like having a blog but better. What you write has the look and feel of an article, and as a member (which is free), you can also submit to Medium publications. The articles you post to your own account are considered published clips, and you can even choose to monetize them. The interesting thing about Medium memberships is that those monetized articles require a membership to read, but if you’re the author, you can send a “friend” link that gives access to people without memberships. There is no limit to those links, so you can always send a friend link if you want to send a paywalled article as a clip.

You can also write articles on LinkedIn as a creator.

Once you’re in talks with clients, bring up some of these top questions freelancers should ask clients.

Ways to find freelance writing jobs, even if you’re a beginner

If you are making plans to leave an existing job, it might help to let people know about your future freelance plans. While you still have easy access to your network of colleagues, find out if their companies use freelancers, and alert them that you will soon be soliciting that type of work. 

If you don’t already have a profile on LinkedIn , make one. In almost all cases, the free version of LinkedIn will be sufficient. Make your portfolio available, click on the option to say you’re “open to work,” and sign up for job alerts in the field you want to work. 5 Ways to Spruce Up Your LinkedIn Profile. Facebook and Instagram may be important, depending on the type of work you’re looking for. 

Facebook especially has different groups for all kinds of things. Search for groups that may provide job leads or even just networking within the general writing community or in your niche, and check in with them often. You want to become a legitimate member of the communities you choose, not just somebody who asks for job leads or advertises their services. Success in these fields requires making real connections—relationships are everything! You might even want to give copywriting a shot and learn how to get started freelance copywriting as a beginner.

Can I make a living as a freelance writer?

Yes! But probably not at first. (Sorry not sorry. We’re all about honesty here, especially when it comes to “can I earn a living freelancing.”) It takes a while to become established and, depending on what publications you’re writing for, the amount of pay and how long it takes to be paid means this is not something that will likely pay the mortgage right away. Many outlets pay on publication, and the lead time for articles can be months. So you may be writing about Christmas in July, but you won’t get paid until after Christmas. Many freelance writers also dabble in other creative or academic work to keep things interesting.

 I also work as an editor, write fiction, and teach online classes. All of these are part of my freelance income and allow me to switch between tasks so I’m not always having to produce articles. I like the variety, and I have made a good living doing it for about twenty years.

A satisfying career

This is not a get-rich-quick kind of job, but it’s very satisfying. I’ve been working as my own boss for so long that I don’t think I could ever work for anybody else again. You get to choose the projects you want to take, find new and interesting work all the time, and work wherever you want to. One good thing is that submissions aren’t sent on paper anymore, so you’re safe from upside down first pages!

FAQ on How to Find First Freelance Writing Job

How do I find entry-level freelance jobs?

Besides LinkedIn and Facebook, here are some of my go-to sites and newsletters for finding jobs:

Just doing a search for “freelance writer sites” will give you some good articles with reviews of sites. Some sites require subscriptions, but many have unpaid options. I typically choose the unpaid option until I find work through it. If I do, I’ll pay for a subscription. Some sites don’t charge a subscription but may take a small cut of any work you contract through them. There are lots of newsletters out there that aggregate freelance jobs weekly or even daily, and a search on Substack ( may get you quite a lot of newsletters to follow.

How do I get my first freelance writing assignment?

If you have nothing to offer as a clip, one of the ways you can approach an editor is with an offer to write an article “on spec” (which stands for speculation). This means that you write the entire article first and submit it to the editor, who will then decide whether or not to accept it. This is in contrast to pitching the idea, getting a contract, and then writing the article.

 It takes more work ahead of time, but if the editor doesn’t take the article, you can always pitch it elsewhere. Either it will find a home, and you’ve had your first sale, or you can use it as a start to making your own portfolio on a site like Medium.

Still feeling curious about how to find first freelance job? Check out the “Get Paid to Write” online course.