How to get started with simple writing jobs from home

Keen to get cracking on simple writing jobs from home? Taking advantage of the flexibility, cost savings, productivity, and work-life balance that comes from working from home is easier than you might think. 

‘Working from home’ used to have a whiff of unprofessionalism about it. The very phrase once evoked visions of people in pajamas, laboring from non-traditional ‘workstations’ such as the couch, the bed, or the bath, and failing to turn up to meetings.

How things have changed. The pandemic-led migration to remote work helped to shift old perceptions and fuel a new world of online opportunity. In Australia, where I’m based, more than a third (36%) of workers now work at least partially from home, figures from the latest Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey show.  One recent survey of U.S. respondents said nearly 60 percent of the white collar workers surveyed has access to remote work.

Freelance writing is one of the most accessible and flexible types of work you can do from home. In fact, it’s probably the most ‘accepted’ or even ‘expected’ work-from-home gig. You can take things at your own pace when you work one of these types of freelance jobs. You can approach it on a full-time or side-hustle basis. And you probably already have most of the equipment you need–like a notepad, laptop, WiFi access,  and a mobile phone.

A step-by-step guide to securing simple writing jobs from home

Here’s how to find jobs for freelance writers and content writers that can be done remotely.

Before launching straight into the job hunt, it’s important to think about the shape you’d like your writing career to take. From surfing and science to travel and true crime, there’s an infinite range of possible topics to cover. 

But also consider the form in which you’d like to write—whether editorial articles, ghostwritten thought leadership pieces, blogs for brands, copywriting, technical writing or many more. Just don’t get too hung up choosing the ‘right’ niche from the get-go. Follow the thread of your curiosity and your interests – and niche – will likely evolve over time. Do some research into the best high-paying freelance niches if you aren’t sure of where to start.

Build a strong portfolio

Potential clients don’t want to hear about your writing goals and dreams. They’ll want to see what you can do for them right now—and that means a portfolio brimming with high-quality writing samples. It’s a crucial component as you’re wondering how to build a freelance portfolio.

If you’re a beginner freelance writer, it’s important to spend some time creating samples that showcase your skills. Ensure they are aligned with the kind of work you’d ultimately like to do. For example, if you’re hankering to write about food, don’t put finance stories front and center in your portfolio (though they’re probably better than nothing). 

Writing at ‘mate’s rates’ for friends, family members, or local businesses is another way of beefing up your portfolio. 

Create a professional online presence

When potential clients Google your name, will they see your professional website, LinkedIn profile, and your most recent freelance articles? Or will they see Facebook snaps of you drinking and dancing till dawn? 

Ensure your online presence speaks to your professionalism and work ethic. There are many ways to bolster your online authority and create a great first impression. Tim Leffel, author of Travel Writing 2.0, suggests boosting your visibility with a blog. “It’s a great mouthpiece, a search engine magnet, and eventually something that will get your media attention and writing assignments,” he writes. Your portfolio and blog can both live on your website.

Find simple writing jobs

Securing simple writing jobs from home requires a combination of strategies. Signing up to newsletters which curate job openings, such as Opportunities of the Week, Write at Home, or Diana Kelly Levey’s Freelance Writing Tips newsletter, are good places to start. Networking with other writers, or following editors, companies, publications and industry influencers on social media can bring fresh opportunities to light. 

Some people recommend exploring job boards such as ProBlogger, Freelance Writing Jobs and BloggingPro, but this isn’t something I’ve done, so I can’t vouch for it. Others suggest signing up to freelance platforms such as Contently and Fiverr, but I personally haven’t gained any work from either and Fiverr’s flood of daily spam is really very tiresome. (One writer shared, “How much can you make on fiverr per month?”)

Apply for simple writing jobs from home that match your skills and interests

Cold pitching can sound scary. But reaching out to editors, brands, or websites to offer services, typically in the form of an email pitch or article pitch, has always been the fastest route to new freelance client work for me. 

Whether you’re the initiator, or you’re responding to general callouts like those outlined in the newsletters and freelance writing jobs websites mentioned above, it’s important to present yourself professionally. 

Be sure to read and adhere to any guidelines. For example, a job posting might ask that you include certain keywords or submit samples in a particular format. Some requirements can be highly specific. One recent callout I saw online noted “you need to be in or near Miami for this role and have a great interest in the music/tattoo scene”. If you don’t meet the criteria, then don’t fudge it. The job is not for you.

Track your inquiries and follow up

Developing some sort of system to monitor your pitches or other forms of outreach to potential clients is vital if you want to stay organized and maintain some level of visibility over your efforts. 

Use an Excel spreadsheet or even a simple Word table to log the details—including what you submitted, to whom, and when. You might find some of the top productivity apps for freelancers helpful for your business. 

If you don’t hear back within a week or two, following up can mean the difference between landing an assignment or not. Many writers are reluctant to do this, but I’ve found that a polite email follow-up will often nudge a decision-maker into action. Even if that answer is a ‘no thanks’, it frees you up to explore other options. But don’t call, follow up several times a day, or argue the merits of your piece in an effort to change someone’s mind.

Maintain a positive mindset

Working from home as a freelance writer has its challenges. Sometimes you’ll be overwhelmed with work; other times, you’ll wonder where the next gig is coming from. When things aren’t going well in your office of one, it’s easy to feel isolated, frustrated, discouraged and even demoralized. 

So ensure you’re maintaining your self-care, in the form of exercise, nutrition, hydration, sleep, and social contact. It’s also important to tackle any mindset blocks such as feelings of freelance Imposter Syndrome, perfectionism, or fear of rejection. 

Setting realistic goals, investing in ongoing learning and seeking support can also help you hang in when the going gets tough. These are crucial steps to forming a good freelance writer salary and remain sustainable in this industry.

Frequently asked questions about simple writing jobs from home

How much can I earn from simple writing jobs from home?

Earnings from simple writing jobs from home vary widely. They depend on factors such as your experience, your preferred niche (or niches), the clients you secure, how hard you work, how effectively you market, and even how lucky you are. 

Intent on writing poetry for literary journals? 

You probably won’t be buying a Lamborghini any time soon. But if you’re willing to bone up on highly-paid freelance writing skills such as technical writing, UX writing, digital content writing, ghostwriting or health and medical writing, you’re likely to bring in much bigger bucks. For example, Upwork says technical writers can earn as much as $125 per hour.

How can I stay productive when working from home on simple writing jobs from home?

People often tell me they’d never be able to work from home because of all the ‘distractions’ it contains—such as television, laundry, pets, and more. Yet a combination of discipline, organization and strategic planning can keep even the most distractible individual on track. 

Set consistent working hours as part of a freelance work schedule to provide a sense of structure to the day and be sure to log off the computer and turn off the phone when the working day is done. 

Create a dedicated workspace that’s pleasant to settle into. Establish clear goals for the day and use time blocking to ensure the most important projects are tackled first. Set firm boundaries with friends and family members who think ‘working from home’ means that you’re always available or ‘not really working’.

Are there other simple jobs I can do from home?

While freelance writing is a popular choice for remote work, many other gigs can be done from home. These include virtual assistance (providing administrative support to businesses from a remote location), graphic design (creating visual content for websites, ads and other mediums), online tutoring (providing academic support and instruction via the internet), web development (designing and building websites for clients), and digital marketing (helping businesses promote their products and services online). Whether you opt for freelance writing, or one of the many other types of gigs, remote work offers a plethora of possibilities.