The 6 Best Tips for Creating a Freelance Brand

Your brand is your promise to your potential clients—it tells them what they can expect from you and sets you apart from others. That includes your website, your social media profile photos and the content you share publicly.

You wouldn’t show up to a job interview looking like a slob. Think of it like that when a potential freelance client discovers your freelancer brand.

Here, get the essential steps to crafting a compelling personal brand that resonates with your target audience and attracts more freelance business.

How Do I Get Started Building a Personal Brand As a Freelancer?

Make sure you uncover and develop these freelancer branding elements so clients know what to expect about you and your work when they come across your page(s).

  1. Discover Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP).

Your UVP is what makes you stand out from the competition. Take time to reflect on your key strengths and how they solve problems for your clients.

Do you help clients get more done in less time?

Do you pride yourself on working with high-end, sophisticated clients who target a niche clientele?

Are you a freelancer who loves to infuse humor into everything you do and wants to find freelance clients who support and celebrate that?

Clearly defining your UVP not only helps articulate your brand but also attracts the right clients who align with your values and expertise.

2. Keep Consistent Brand Messaging Across All Platforms: 

Consistency is key in branding. Your website, social media profiles, and professional portfolios should convey the same message and aesthetic. They can have similar profile photos, fonts, and colors that are part of your freelancer brand. This uniformity builds trust and makes your brand easily recognizable to potential clients.

Established branding helps you become recognizable across different audiences, fostering familiarity and trust with potential clients. You know if you see a check or swoosh without the word “Nike” that you’re still looking at a Nike brand. When you see a signature plaid color, you think of Burberry. Branding takes time in order to build that instance recognition. But it’s a worthwhile pursuit so clients and potential customers come to recognize you and your work.

3. Get Professional Photos Taken

Invest in professional freelance branding photos that reflect the professional freelancer you are. Choose props relevant to your business to convey your expertise and personality effectively. As a writer, I took photos with my laptop, phone, and notebook, and showed myself in professional-looking elements. If I were working on a freelancer personal brand that involved fashion or hair styling, I’d show those props in the photo.

It’s okay to show slightly different photos, in my opinion. I have different professional photos on my website and LinkedIn profile from Facebook and Twitter but the photos were all taken the same day and you can tell it’s the same person. That’s the crucial element.

4. Develop an Engagement Strategy

Regular interaction with your audience can significantly enhance your brand presence. Share valuable content, join discussions, and contribute to forums that align with your expertise.

Share, repost, and comment to help others grow their platforms and increase your freelance brand profile.

The more visible you are, the more you’re perceived as an authority in your field. A well-established personal brand can attract followers, readers, and fans who are interested in your work, services, and expertise. This audience can be valuable for selling digital products, online courses, and other services.

5. Share Testimonials and Social Proof

Showcase your success by sharing client testimonials and case studies. These validate your expertise and demonstrate your impact in tangible terms, which can be highly persuasive to prospective clients seeking proof of your capabilities. Ask for referrals and recommendations on LinkedIn. Reach out to current clients and request feedback as well as a testimonial you can share on your site.

6. Work on Continuous Learning and Being Nimble

The digital landscape is fluid and changing each day. Stay ahead by upgrading your skills and adapting to new trends. Demonstrating your commitment to growth and learning can be a powerful aspect of your personal brand that instills confidence in potential clients.

As a freelancer, your brand is your identity. If you don’t cultivate a freelancer brand to share no one else will. Create the image you want to share with the world so you’re in control of what clients see when they research you.