What is Content Marketing Writing?

Do you think you’re missing out by not knowing the answer to ‘what is content marketing writing?’ This article will give you helpful insight into this form of writing so you don’t have to smile and silently nod. Sometimes people use freelance content marketing writing and journalism writing interchangeably. This can be misleading. 

Each discipline requires a specific skill set. Yet, each field brings a different flair for writing to specific audiences—and both might require interview and researching skills—but content marketing writing is about creating awareness for a product or brand.

It’s biased, even if a brand or product isn’t mentioned in the article. Journalism involves unbiased reporting and research, any conflicts-of-interest should be eliminated or at the very least, disclosed. Sometimes journalism is referred to as content writing but what makes it journalism is the reporting aspect.

You might be wondering if you’ve ever read a content marketing writing example before but you probably have—it’s everywhere. I’ll give you an example. 

Have you ever typed in a search into Google, then clicked on an article and read an informative article and been surprised to look up and realize it was under a product’s website? That’s an example of content marketing writing. It may have mentioned the product or service or it may not have. It likely included some kind of “call to action” (CTA) to do something, like sign up for a newsletter, join a mailing list, or learn more about the brand. 

Your work as a freelance content marketing writer can greatly impact brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. It makes a rewarding and irresistible profession. 

What is Content Marketing Writing to a Freelancer?

Freelance content marketing writing is versatile and merges individuality and strategic marketing goals. It involves compelling, purpose-built content that engages the target audience and ultimately leads to a sale. This type of writing relies on information that provides captivating storytelling that draws in readers and turns them into brand loyalists.

Freelance content marketing writers in this field can reach out to marketing managers, VP of marketing, and content managers to share their backgrounds and expertise to let them know why they’d be an asset to the brand. There’s plenty of work to be found in small businesses, large brands, and large associations.

(Read samples of introductory emails to send to content marketing managers.)

Could the answer to “what is content marketing writing” be that it’s your next freelance writing skill to add to your LinkedIn profile? Freelance content marketing writing is a satisfying and lucrative freelance skill to have. You’ll drive customer satisfaction and conversion rates through the following types of content marketing writing:

  • Blogs

  • Social media posts

  • Newsletters

  • White papers

  • eBooks/Digital downloads

A content marketing writer aims to capture the brand’s audience, resulting in a trusted customer. 

Freelance content marketing writers use their exceptional writing skills, marketing knowledge, and add data and research findings to create content that gets ranked well on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) and turns audiences into repeat visitors.

Content marketing writing also helps build brand awareness. This tactic generates organic leads and happy clients, making this one of the highest-paid freelance writing skills. Freelance content writers can work with several clients in different niches, like health, beauty, Software as a Service (SaaS), pets, healthcare, and personal finance.

You might even hear of this type of content as B2B or B2C writing. B2B is business to business (think of a software company selling their product to Microsoft). B2C is business to consumer. This could be a blog on a beauty brand, a pet product, or a service provider’s page.

It’s about being a well-versed professional. You must understand the customer’s pain points and search engine optimization, known as SEO. SEO involves addressing relevant topics that others have looked up on the internet. 

For example, when searching “ how to become a freelance marketing writer” or “how to get started as a marketing freelancer?” These related searches in your content can be great for keywords or headlines. Why? It’s because you are answering questions people want answers to. Content marketing writers are critical. They provide key information while being relatable and business-oriented. Knowing how to write good articles as a freelancer with primary keywords and secondary keywords is essential for success in search engine rankings and from your client’s standpoint. 

Content Marketing Writing vs Magazine Writing

Content marketing writing has a different voice, framework, and audience. It is not like magazine writing. Magazine writing tends to be shorter than content marketing writing, this could also depend on the publication. 

The goal of magazine writing or editorial writing for magazines is to inform and entertain magazine subscribers of digital audiences on various topics related to the magazine. This type of writing isn’t trying to sell anything–other than maybe an editorial magazine subscription. Magazine writing is more likely to focus on a publication’s audiences (although there’s a lot of affiliate marketing and sponsored content on and in magazines these days). Magazine-style writing often includes feature stories, reported articles, interviews, or personal essays. 

Content marketing aims to engage and convert target audiences for brand awareness. Content marketing writing concentrates on customer action, generating leads, or boosting sales. An example is “7 Reasons Why You Should Switch to Vegan Lip Products,” and you’ll find this blog on a vegan beauty company’s website, possibly with a link to sign up for a newsletter and get a promo code. Magazine writing would likely include a non-biased roundup of the “7 Best Vegan Lip Products.” 

How Much Does Freelance Content Marketing Writing Pay?

Be honest. When you explored, “what is content marketing writing,” you certainly wanted to know if being a freelance content marketing writer pays well.

When you’re a freelance content marketing writer, pay is commonly per project or per article. If you and the client come up with an agreement about a specific number of pieces (articles) you’ll produce per month as an ongoing relationship, it’s known as a retainer agreement. 

As of 2024, many content marketing writing assignments tend to pay better than online magazine assignments of the same word count. That might be because brands have more money and stand to potentially earn more with each piece of content. 

In general, content marketing writing likely pays at least $0.50/word and up, often closer to $1/word/

Freelance content writers can charge based on the complexity of the scope of the project. Magazine writing can also receive payment for the number of words, interviews, research involved in the piece, and per project. The magazine determines writers’ rates based on the magazine’s budget and the writer’s level of experience.

How Do Editorial Writing and Freelance Content Marketing Writing Differ?

Editorial writing is also known as opinion writing. The author expresses their opinion or viewpoint on a particular topic. This type of writing is generally published in newspapers or magazines. Freelance content marketing writing builds readership for a brand and drives traffic. 

Editorial writing emphasizes the editorial board or author topics the team represents. You can find the editorial team on the publication’s website. They’re a group of professionals with diverse skills in fact-checking, writing, and editing. The team ensures that the information presented is accurate, engaging, and error-free. That being said, a brand’s CEO can write an op-ed and submit it for possible publication. It will likely be skewed to support their brand’s initiatives but it should also be well-reported.

Editorial writing style is more persuasive. It focuses on using logic to support the opinions. Content marketing styles use storytelling to optimize the readers’ experience and with a call to action (CTA). This will encourage the reader to take part in their offer. An example of a call to action is “I want this”,  or “Download here” or “Learn more.” 

Writers sprinkle these phrases throughout their content marketing blogs to entice the reader to view what they’re selling. Editorial writing may not include a call to action. Yet, it provides a format centered on current events, cultural trends, or social issues.

Content marketing writing often focuses on brand stories and case studies.

Which Style of Writing Suits You: Content Marketing, Magazine Journalism, or Editorial Writing?

Freelance content marketing writing is versatile and merges individuality and strategic marketing goals. It is also a high-paying freelance niche and allows growth and opportunity. Content marketing writing builds trust and authority. It uses well-crafted words to inspire the audience. If you enjoy writing blogs to drive organic traffic, freelance content marketing writing is for you. But let’s recap on the difference between magazine journalism writing and editorial writing. 

Magazine journalism writing tends to be longer than content marketing writing and its goal is to inform and entertain audiences online and print to encourage repeat visits. 

Typically, magazine writers earn payment based on the number of words, while freelance content marketing writers earn payment based on the project. Editorial writing is persuasive and it uses logic to support the opinions. Content marketing styles use storytelling to optimize the readers’ experience. 

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