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How a USP leads to inquiries

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Why does the business world love three-letter acronyms so much? No clue.

But I’ve definitely nodded along in meetings like I knew exactly what they meant more times than I care to admit.

One of those acronyms you do need to know as a freelancer?


That’s your Unique. Selling. Proposition.

In plain English:

It makes you the obvious choice over every other freelancer out there.

Your USP tells potential clients why they should hire you—and why they should do it now.

It’s often a short, punchy statement that highlights your strengths, experience, and the value you bring.

The short version on my home page?

It tells prospects what they’ll get when they hire me.

Freelance Content That Propels Business Growth

Get content and copy that engages audiences, drives conversions, and accelerates results.

Then I tell the reader what I want them to do: “Get in touch with Diana.”

That copy is followed by logos of recognizable brands I’ve worked with and the services I offer.

Does your website do the same?

If not, it’s time to tweak the copy.

No site?

Update your LinkedIn bio to ensure it’s about what you offer clients and not simply about you.

If you’d like to go over how to create your USP, a website review, or a LinkedIn edit, get in touch by replying here or booking a coaching call with me.

Thanks for being a reader.


P.S. Want to know how I ramped up marketing efforts to close over $8,000 worth of business in February? Get my 2025 Freelance Marketing Calendar with specific strategies to implement to find high-value clients.

P.P.S. Missed last week’s newsletter or a recent post? Check them out here.

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Every little bit means the world—thank you! 💖

It’s fun. I promise. You can get paid for your writing without relying clients all the time.

4.89 billion: That’s the number of email users expected in 2027. (It’s about half of the world’s population.) Get in on the fun now. Join the Beehiiv newsletter fam.

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Need New Content in Your Inbox?

Check out these newsletters I recommend

The lowercase b2b: If you’re curious about getting into b2b writing and/or want to know how to make your b2b writing more interesting and fun, this newsletter walks you through it.

Storey Time: This newsletter is a great read for those freelancers who want to learn copywriting, explore how to get more freelance clients, and hone their writing skills.

Study Hall Sampler: Subscribe to this email for even more freelance job opportunities in your inbox, as well as recent journalism and industry news.

This email contains some affiliate links.