Diana's Best Freelance Tips Newsletter
Actionable tips to grow and thrive in your freelance business from a former magazine editor who's been freelancing for ~20 years
Here's how I did it
No matter what's happening in this economy (and freelance jobs / remote work)
How to find great brands that want a stellar writer like you.
Here's what I do when I need to secure some work within a few weeks
The answer's in the palm of your hand
And see "scope creep examples"
February 2026 version of me says this...
Jobs you can do working from home
How a USP leads to inquiries
Download the freelance marketing plan strategy for results like this — on sale now
You know you want to
Tips from a freelancer who earns over $400k annually.
You probably won't like my answer
A freelance friend scared me with this story
Not every assignment will fill your soul, that's okay
It's how I secure high-paying clients